RFID Shielding Tear Resistant Paper 32lb / 8.5 x 11 / 50 sheets / PaperTyger Don't allow yourself to become part of the statistics of identity theft. Stop thieves from stealing your personal and credit information while in public by using RFID Shield Paper. It's important that you protect the sensitive information being stored on chips implanted on credit/debit cards, IDs and passports. RFID paper provides a security barrier with its multi-ply laminate that will prevent RFID detection from scammers. It can easily be fabricated into envelopes and sleeves or used to line leather goods, . It can be cut with scissors or knife and can be attached by liquid or tape adhesives. DEFENDER™ is a new patent-pending,multi-ply laminate that contains a security barrier to prevent RFID detection at13.56MHz and in the 860-980MHz range. DEFENDER™ can be easily fabricated intoenvelopes, sleeves, or inserts used to protect RFID contactless smart cards andGen 2 credentials from unauthorized access during mailing and storage. Defenderproducts offer light weight, water resistance, durability and the superiorprinting and converting benefits of the traditional PaperTyger® line ofproducts. DEFENDER™ meets FIPS 201 requirements.Testing by independent laboratories proves that DEFENDER™ provides effectiveshielding at various HF and UHF frequencies.